Webinar / Live Streaming


Streaming is the new normal.

We are experts in Webcast, Webinar and Video-Conference equipment hire or sale.

We can offer a single or multi-camera live stream of your event via YouTube, or a licensed streaming service like Zoom, Teams, Blue Jeans, etc., at very keen rates. 

Have the best of both with a custom-designed HYBRID event.

We are a One-Stop-Shop. You only need to supply a reliable and fast broadband output from your location.

We recommend you take a longer term view towards your ongoing requirements by purchasing the equipment you will need. And this can be done very cost-effectively, guaranteeing a massive return on your investment.

We supply and install BOSE, SENNHEISER, POLYCOM and FOHHN for every application from your home office and meeting rooms to large-scale venues. We also supply portable solutions for maximum flexibility. Please CONTACT US for more information.

Web Casting / Live Streaming Service Providers in Ireland

(Subject to a preliminary on-site broadband test and, if necessary, a tested firewall gateway. Preferably via a CAT5/6 terminal.)

Please call +353 87 2556829 or email martin@alleventsaudiovisual.com for further information.